we started off the morning TOTALLY FIRED UP about school and Mrs Debbie!
backpack (aka tote big enough to carry entirely too much stuff daily) - check
batman lunchbox (compliments of brother- as he thought he needed new one this yr) -check
nap mat (was unsure how this would go- but he did actually rest and even sleep)- check
change of clothes - check
diapers- check
pasey and nitenite (for naptime only) - check
etc etc - check
can't you sense the excitement in these 2 pics?

now- what about this one?
excitement - ummm, no!
lots of unsure feelings- ummm- yes!

no really. he didn't cry about the whole school idea. just felt some concern!
and how did his 1st day go?
well, wonderfully!
he only cried a bit about the nap mat... but hey, give the kid a break, he's never even seen a nap mat before. and 3 cheers for him that he managed to stay on it and sleep for an hour.
on a side note- the sleeping for an hour doesn't cut it. he normally sleeps 2-3 hr. there was a bit too many emotions displayed as the afternoon wore on. what's a mom to do?
no really. it was a great day for him and me:) it's been a long time since i had a slew of hours all to myself. wow- how relaxing!
He's so cute! I can't BELIEVE he rested on a mat! WOW!!!
He is adorable! I am in the process of trying to find a day school for my little one so that I can have a couple of hours to get things done! Too cute!!!!
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