There is a baby.
Not near us,
but actually quite a journey away.
A baby whose Mom lost her life in childbirth.
A baby whose first moments
and each day since
are missing the Mom who carried her.
A baby whose family has tried to keep her alive...
giving her the milk of a goat
to sustain life.
A baby so loved
by her uncle ...
that he has made sure that,
(while he lives far away from her
but very near to us)
the nutrition,
the formula she needs
makes the journey to her.
On his visit 2 months ago
to his homeland
he took the formula
we had bought together.
It had been all I could do
not to send
a store's worth of this precious nutrition.
that is just not the way things work.
Upon arrival
she was not well.
Not good at all.
By the time he left
a month later,
she was thriving
on the formula we sent.
Praise God.
And now,
almost 2 months later...
another member of his family
is making the long journey home
and taking with him
more of
the life sustaining formula.
And so
I found myself back tonight
at the boxes of formula
and dreaming of this
treasured babe.
And wanting to buy
every box.
Just to make sure she has enough.
what if she doesn't?
What if she runs out?
Gets hungry and weak again.
Is it possible to get it to her another way?
Where she is...
I am not sure there is another way.
And so,
I send my boxes.
All that will fit in his bag
on the long trip.
a life so precious.
a face we have never seen.
a baby we love
and will always be in our hearts.
whose life has forever bonded to mine.