Tuesday, May 31, 2011


we have had an abundance of rain lately. 
just a few moments ago i looked out my window and saw this...
a rainbow landing into the ocean!
i had to grab the camera and snap away at this little blessing for my day.
oh my goodness!
is this beautiful or what? 

Monday, May 30, 2011

2 things that...

2 things
make me
and fuzzy
when it

watching the downloaded BRENTWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH service
and seeing all the familiar faces (including our own Poppi)
and hearing Pastor Mike preach it! and oh.... the music!

smores...who doesn't love ooey gooey yumminess around a hot fire?!
family time at it's best

Saturday, May 28, 2011

stay tuned

soMetHing BIG on thE wAy
sTay tUNed
yOu don'T waNt tO mISs...

Living Hope "Open Day"

Last Saturday
Living Hope 
opened their doors to the community.

They showed their services off to the public.
They ministered to all who came by.

Mrs Gilda,
did their 
Living Way
along with the sewing class 
and driver training.

It was such a blessing to see
all their hard work being showcased.
So proud...

Mrs Gilda and one of the baker Wayne

Bristol and her buddy Itai

cucumbers and yummy cucumber relish

bakery biscuits and breads

joe and his wild boys

bris taking her turn running the table

God continues to blow us away with His blessings on the happenings of Living Way. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

rugby this

rugby has started around here. 
and let's just say we went from being totally clueless...
to being a rock star! 
this guy loves him some rugby. 
and his american parents are pretty darn proud.

one of the cool parts of growing up in a culture different from your own...
learning new sports, games, and rules.

Friday, May 20, 2011

the reunion...

8 months ago...
we took these pictures 
with these friends.

in 1 month...
we will be back in TN
taking new pictures with these friends
that we miss so very much.
oh how i can't wait to see how all have grown
and to watch and soak in 
the joy 
of spending time with those we love.

we appreciate now, more than ever, the bonds of family and closest friends.
and the sweetness of that reunion
and precious time spent together
will be treasured deep in our souls...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

would you believe?

would you believe?

that my life 
just a little bit
wild, crazy, hectic
and goes right with 
the quirky little motto of...
never a dull moment.

i'm sure you know this.

lots happening. 

all i've
got time

Saturday, May 14, 2011

wildlife and life...

our life this week was...

spent with these guys 
that Briley always enjoys
preaching to...

blessed by "uncle Steve" 
coming from TN
to check out our ministry here
and to follow God's call... 

this girl grew up even more...

wildlife was abundant...

there was a man-size baboon
amongst many others...

a snake farm visit 
made the older 3 want a slithery pet...
absolutely  a "No"...

horned beast
stopped us in our tracks...

and the greatest treat of the week...

this little life 
was welcomed into our family....

though we are thousands of miles away
the proud parents
gave us a special surprise by 
skype-ing us
immediately after his birth
so we could be the 
1st ones
to hear 
the announcement
"it's a boy!!".
you made us feel so apart of the celebration
even though we were so far away.
we were so blessed.
congrats uncle rich, aunt dana,
and sweet sis

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

bristol's masiphumelele

someone thinks they are too cute with the newest word she can say...
masiphumelele. (accurately pronounced... masi- phum- e- lele)
yep, just a short, easy to say name of a local township.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


 If you have a mom, there is nowhere you are likely to go 
where a prayer has not already been.  ~Robert Brault

Mother love 
is the fuel 
that enables a normal human being 
to do the impossible.  ~Marion C. Garretty

A mother is the truest friend we have, 
when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; 
when adversity takes the place of prosperity; 
when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; 
when trouble thickens around us, 
still will she cling to us, 
and endeavor by her kind 
precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, 
and cause peace to return to our hearts.  ~Washington Irving

Children and mothers 
never truly part -
Bound in the beating 
of each other's heartCharlotte Gray

A man's work is from sun to sun,
 but a mother's work is never done.  ~Author Unknown

When you are a mother, 
you are never really alone in your thoughts.  
A mother always has to think twice, 
once for herself and once for her child.  ~Sophia Loren

There is an instinct in a woman to love most her own child - 
and an instinct to make any child who needs her love, her own.  ~Robert Brault

and to this most special mom,
bristol's birth mom,
you have given us the greatest gift
and our hearts are bonded forever.

All that I am or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.
-- Abraham Lincoln

She never quite leaves her children at home, 
even when she doesn't take them along.  ~Margaret Culkin Banning

Because I feel 
that in the heavens above
The angels, whispering one to another,
Can find among their burning tears of love,
None so devotional as that of "Mother,"
Therefore, by that dear name I have long called you,
You who are more than mother unto me.
~Edgar Allan Poe

 Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, 
but their hearts forever. - Author Unknown

This Mother's Day
I am thankful 
Joey and I were blessed with 
amazing, beautiful moms.
And that God chose me
faithful enough
to give me 
perfect blessings
to hold, kiss, love, 
wash, scold, teach, 
juggle, provide for,
counsel, hug, drive,
read to, cook for, wash for,
clean up after, stay up all nite with,
comfort, carry, spank,
learn from, cuddle,
eat sweets with, play games with,
and on and on.
May I be to each of you,
the greatest Mom you could dream.

Friday, May 6, 2011

a baby

There is a baby. 
Not near us, 
but actually quite a journey away.

A baby whose Mom lost her life in childbirth.
A baby whose first moments
and each day since
are missing the Mom who carried her.

A baby whose family has tried to keep her alive...
giving her the milk of a goat 
to sustain life.

A baby so loved
by her uncle ...
that he has made sure that, 
(while he lives far away from her
but very near to us)
the nutrition,
the formula she needs
makes the journey to her.

On his visit 2 months ago
to his homeland 
he took the formula
we had bought together.

It had been all I could do
not to send 
a store's worth of this precious nutrition.
that is just not the way things work.

Upon arrival 
she was not well. 
Not good at all.

By the time he left 
a month later,
she was thriving
on the formula we sent.

Praise God.

And now,
almost 2 months later...

another member of his family
is making the long journey home
and taking with him
more of 
the life sustaining formula.

And so 
I found myself back tonight
at the boxes of formula
and dreaming of this 
treasured babe.
And wanting to buy
every box.
Just to make sure she has enough.
what if she doesn't?
What if she runs out?
Gets hungry and weak again.
Is it possible to get it to her another way?

Where she is...
I am not sure there is another way.

And so,
I send my boxes.
All that will fit in his bag
on the long trip.

a life so precious.
a face we have never seen.
a baby we love
and will always be in our hearts.
whose life has forever bonded to mine.

a nice destination...

in case anyone needed a reason to come visit us...
check this out


what do you think?
should we start planning adventures for you?

i am not sure there is anywhere else in the world
with as drastic differences between rich/poor, wealth/poverty, beauty/ashes.

i do know we are blessed to be here.
in every way.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

overwhelming views

my heart, 
no wait,
my heart and my mind
can not
the devastation
for thousands (approx 6000)
that we see  
just a few miles from our house.



beds for their babies

as i lay down at nite
as i go thru my days...
so many 
are trying to rebuild,
to gather food,
 to find items to survive.

the part that i struggle with me most,
that rocks me to the core,
is those moms and dads
to find a safe, dry place 
to lay their children at nite,
to make them feel secure,
to feed them.

as i look at my kids 
i can only imagine
the burden felt so deep and painful.

i thank God for my blessings and protection
and i pray for these who have lost.

overwhelming views.
overwhelming thoughts.
an overwhelming need for Jesus.