Hey Friends,
How does one start a blog? Where do you begin? There's just so much happening around here.
So.....Here it goes...
Today my sweet baby boy is SEVEN MONTHS OLD.... I can't believe it. My they grow up way too fast! His personality is coming out in full force. He loves to share his smiles and to yell and he couldn't get any more nosey! Check out that cute face!
What a week it's been ...
We have been on the campaign trail with Poppi. My father in law is running for US Congress for the 4th District in Tennessee. The fam spent a day on the big tour bus cruising east Tennessee small towns. My crew loves meeting people. Briley has the gift of gab...she passed out more flyers and stickers than I could count...it's hard to turn down a toothless beauty wanting votes for her Poppi. We even got to visit with some of my extended family that I don't get to see often enough! (LOVE YA'LL)
Campaign pics to follow when I get them all together.
More Big News...
We had our Home Study on Tuesday. I am so excited about adopting. The process is very long and always changing but, the reward, a sweet baby girl from Vietnam, is worth it all. For those of you who didn't know we were doing this...surprise! Joey and I have always known we would adopt, just not when. Well, God laid it on our hearts heavily back in February. So we prayed and prayed and felt like God was leading us to start this journey. With even more prayer we chose Vietnam, a country that at the current time is in having some adoption issues with the US. We are hopeful that everything will work out and trust God is in control. I have learned I just have to turn it all over to the good Lord! Which is hard for a girl who likes to know all the answers now , but, I am learning to be patient.
The next step is getting our reference letters turned in, then the entire home study packet including interviews, fingerprints, actual in-home study, medicals, police record, etc will be turned in and we wait approval from the US government. Once we are approved we are finally put on the waiting list which is 2-3 years. I can't believe it will take that long. I just can't imagine. Maybe, just maybe, things will speed up!?! It's so hard to think about all the precious children out there that need love, need a good home, need a family. Yet, it is so hard to get to them. They wait and wait and wait.
The kids are fired up about the adoption. Especially Briley, who can't wait for a sister. Don't get me wrong she loves her brothers but....
I guess I'm done for the day! One could ramble on and on ...
My plan is to share as often as possible the good, the bad, and even the ugly. For there is NEVER A DULL MOMENT around here. Hopefully, whoever reads this life of mine will get some joy, some laughter, some encouragement, and even some occasional good advice.
I leave you with this...it's something to strive for!
"I am an example of Christ, His love, strength, power... to my children, my family, and others. Constantly, I need to try to reflect God. My children (and others) will learn Christ through me. Therefore, I must work on being the best representation I can be!"
How does one start a blog? Where do you begin? There's just so much happening around here.
So.....Here it goes...
Today my sweet baby boy is SEVEN MONTHS OLD.... I can't believe it. My they grow up way too fast! His personality is coming out in full force. He loves to share his smiles and to yell and he couldn't get any more nosey! Check out that cute face!
What a week it's been ...
We have been on the campaign trail with Poppi. My father in law is running for US Congress for the 4th District in Tennessee. The fam spent a day on the big tour bus cruising east Tennessee small towns. My crew loves meeting people. Briley has the gift of gab...she passed out more flyers and stickers than I could count...it's hard to turn down a toothless beauty wanting votes for her Poppi. We even got to visit with some of my extended family that I don't get to see often enough! (LOVE YA'LL)
Campaign pics to follow when I get them all together.
More Big News...
We had our Home Study on Tuesday. I am so excited about adopting. The process is very long and always changing but, the reward, a sweet baby girl from Vietnam, is worth it all. For those of you who didn't know we were doing this...surprise! Joey and I have always known we would adopt, just not when. Well, God laid it on our hearts heavily back in February. So we prayed and prayed and felt like God was leading us to start this journey. With even more prayer we chose Vietnam, a country that at the current time is in having some adoption issues with the US. We are hopeful that everything will work out and trust God is in control. I have learned I just have to turn it all over to the good Lord! Which is hard for a girl who likes to know all the answers now , but, I am learning to be patient.
The next step is getting our reference letters turned in, then the entire home study packet including interviews, fingerprints, actual in-home study, medicals, police record, etc will be turned in and we wait approval from the US government. Once we are approved we are finally put on the waiting list which is 2-3 years. I can't believe it will take that long. I just can't imagine. Maybe, just maybe, things will speed up!?! It's so hard to think about all the precious children out there that need love, need a good home, need a family. Yet, it is so hard to get to them. They wait and wait and wait.
The kids are fired up about the adoption. Especially Briley, who can't wait for a sister. Don't get me wrong she loves her brothers but....
I guess I'm done for the day! One could ramble on and on ...
My plan is to share as often as possible the good, the bad, and even the ugly. For there is NEVER A DULL MOMENT around here. Hopefully, whoever reads this life of mine will get some joy, some laughter, some encouragement, and even some occasional good advice.
I leave you with this...it's something to strive for!
"I am an example of Christ, His love, strength, power... to my children, my family, and others. Constantly, I need to try to reflect God. My children (and others) will learn Christ through me. Therefore, I must work on being the best representation I can be!"
Court, this is GREAT! What a wonderful idea! I think EVERYONE in the family should do this....for ME! :) LOVVVVE the pics!
Love ya, Aunt Dee :)
So fun! Told you all that blogging is fun!! Check out our blog @ www.ourwillbear.blogspot.com
Love this!
Welcome to the blog world! It is great with keeping up with family and for connecting with other families adopting!
What a wonderful idea you have. The kids are so precious and I am so glad to see all the pics!! And to hear what is going on in your life.
Glenda Biddy
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