the biggest event... Braxton fell off our bed early early on the 4th of July. He had come downstairs to snuggle, dozed off, then rolled right off into the floor. He fell only 3 feet but landed just right. I made it 6 1/2 years as a mommy with no broken kid bones. Braxton broke that trend, literally, when he snapped his collarbone in half. That guy is one tough cookie! Here he is showing off his sling. The doc says there isn't much to do for this injury, so we just make do as we can.

My thoughts lately have been about covering my children in prayer...pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord. Lift up your hands to Him for the lives of your children..Lamentations 2:19 Leave nothing to chance. Life happens, accidents happen. Keep an open line with God.
enjoyed spending time with you guys this holiday weekend...thanks for always making memories with us! love you much~
courtney, thanks for the verse
Lam. 2 :19
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