we play and play!

making a run toward the beach...

digging in the sand...

jumping the waves...

hanging with our cousin Colby...
we were so excited our Mimi and her friend joined us. they did lots and lots of shopping but we did manage to build sandcastles, jump waves, and play with Mimi!

mommy loves her surfer dude Braxton...

Barron loved the waves, wa-wa, boats, and snack times...

while daddy served the Lord in Nicaragua we were beach bums with our cousins Cy and Colby (whose daddy was gone too!). after a rainy start to the week the weather turned fabulous! we swam to our hearts content and managed to get sand everywhere. it was wonderful to get away while daddy was gone! the kiddos did awesome! don't be fooled though- with 5 munchkins adult intervention was needed several times:)
it was a blast but we sure miss our daddy! yeah that his plane lands in just a few hours!
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