After some hard work we are now beginning to experience the harvest! We have all decided it is quite a joy to pick your own fruits and veggies from your very own garden. I hadn't realized it would feel quite so rewarding!

Joey, Joey- working hard- how does your garden grow?
With squash, lettuce, cucumbers, zuccini,
g beans and okra all in a row.
Don't forget the watermelon and tomatoes- for when you will ripen we just don't know.

for all your gardeners out there- yes we are aware some of our first harvest got a bit too BIG! we've learned since that you have to check every day cause these babies grow fast!

we got more produce than we know what to do with!
anyone want some free, fresh, and straight out of the garden produce?
Too bad I am in NC...I would love some garden squash and beans! It is SO rewarding to pick it, cook it and eat it!!!
Yummy! I've been trying to get Michael to till me a garden for years. I will just have him pick some up from you on Friday at bible study! :)
So glad you all are having fun with it!
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