Wednesday, January 28, 2009


in honor of us being less than 50 on the wait list for our baby girl and in honor of Beth in my Bible Study that suggested we list 50 things we are thankful for...

and do you know that is actually hard to list 50 things- i stressed over leaving something out or trying to decide what i was truly MOST grateful for... anyways...

50 things i am thankful for...
  1. my Jesus
  2. my Joey
  3. 3 pregnancies
  4. Briley
  5. Braxton
  6. Barron
  7. our adoption
  8. my parents (my upbringing)
  9. my in-laws
  10. our BIG extended family
  11. home sweet home
  12. Dr Brooks (the best pediatrician ever)
  13. our land
  14. church
  15. food
  16. especially chocolate
  17. the B-I-B-L-E
  18. the kids' schools/teachers
  19. my wedding ring
  20. date nites
  21. our new BIG bed (yet to be delivered)
  22. an amazing group of friends
  23. Bri's decision to follow Jesus
  24. $ for our needs (and wants)
  25. good pair of jeans
  26. the beach house
  27. TLC Medical
  28. the opportunity of the Congress race
  29. nature (flowers, creeks, trees, etc etc)
  30. pictures that document our memories (on album #23)
  31. our health
  32. the ocean
  33. sweet tea
  34. hot showers
  35. peace
  36. the desire for missions God has placed in our hearts
  37. a joyful heart
  38. my Bible Study
  39. family dinners around our kitchen table
  40. my big kids playing so well together every day
  41. summer time
  42. housecleaners (which i don't have right now)
  43. love
  44. vacations
  45. crazy fun-filled times
  46. quiet relaxing times
  47. good books and movies
  48. medicines
  49. God's guidance
  50. my life

Sunday, January 25, 2009

post # 2 - Top this!

We went to the Big Top! The Circus! And in the words of my 2 older kids..."this is the best thing i've ever seen..."
Briley and Mommy... this girl sat down only twice the entire show... she stood perfectly frozen caught up in the excitement!

Pre-circus fun... Braxton was chosen to go out in the ring and let the jugglers juggle around him:)

And what is a circus without lots of way too costly treats... like $6 funnel cakes... and $4 bottled water...

and $9 snow cones... Brax don't look so scared- i only wanted one little bite- geez!

and then there's the kid that is way too young to drink a coke product from such a big cup or sit in a seat alone... but then again he is big stuff! and even though it was a late night he loved the circus and made momma proud acting so big!

a fave of ours... the elephants!

Briley asked if we could go back today. Nope. But soon, real soon!

Big Rich turned 30!

Friday nite we surprised my bro-in-law for his 30th bday! We started out on the roof and in several rooms of the hippish Hotel Indigo in downtown... (Joey and I even got to spend the nite and sleep in and have Pancake Pantry breakfast thanks to Nonni and Poppi!!!)

Rich and Dana (and baby Andrews due May '09)

rooftop fun!

then dinner at Goten...

and then to a new fave place of ours The Big Bang. It's a dueling piano bar (but not too "bar-rish"). This pic is from when they called out all the bdays in the house. Rich (bday boy is 2nd from left. But check out 3rd and 5th from left- it's Jeff and then Joey- they managed to sneak in on the fun!)
Rich- so glad you've joined the ranks of us 30ers:) Hope your bday weekend was awesome!

Monday, January 19, 2009

life with 5

(5 kids getting donuts!!! left to right- briley age 7, hannah age 10(in back) holding barron age 15 mos, peyton age 7 (front row) then braxton age 4)

i got a taste of what life would be with 5 kids would be this weekend. as we kept joey's cousins over the weekend i thought, wow, this could be me- mom to 5.

we are heading quickly to #4 and well i can't for sure say we wouldn't have another or adopt again. and i can't imagine that #4 would be the last... but... i haven't had to consistently mother more than 3 kiddos at one time and yeah 3 can be exhausting and, well, who knows.

brushing 5 heads of hair, making 5 kid plates at each meal with drinks and the refills, constantly counting 5 kids when we are out in public to assure everyone is accounted for, imagining doing homework x 5, shopping x 5 kids each season, spreading our sick germs thru the house x 5, finding individual time for each child- sounds tiring but oh so rewarding!!! i just love kids! anyways- i'm sure God will lead us just as He does daily:)

the girls graciously let braxton be included in the super pallet at bedtime.

we had lots of laughs over the weekend! one of our favorite adventures was going bowling. joey and i decided we are the world's worst couple bowlers! oh well!

braxton surprised us with his skillz! he came in second, right after hannah. way to go, buddy!

today- we celebrate no school, settle in our warm house, and play and play!

Friday, January 16, 2009

a very merry un-birthday

have you ever watched "Alice in Wonderland"?

in that movie there is a scene- the mad hatter tea party- where they are celebrating a very merry un-birthday. in fact they sing a song about it. it's actually a pretty comical part.

well, i got a note from braxton's teacher about celebrating his un-birthday or half-birthday this week since he has a summer birthday and doesn't get a school party like the others. sure, i thought, i've never thought of doing this, but sure. braxton was pumped- he loves a celebration. he knew i was coming at the end of the day with a treat- i surprised him with a huge yummy cookie that the class shared. fun was had by all...

yes, i know it's a weird pic. i was just trying to not post a real clear pic of anyone else's kids. is it even legal to post others kids? i'm not sure?

like we don't party enough around here already:)

Monday, January 12, 2009


i was so happy that my sister, hayley, made it to her baby shower yesterday at my house. honestly, i was worried she might not but...

here she is with my mom! all 33+ weeks pregnant with that baby boy that i can't even guess the name.

these 4 gals and 2 more not pictured helped me by bringing "yummies" to the just desserts shower!

almost all the shower crew!

hang in there a little longer sweet boy (and hayley)!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

9 for '09

it's taken a week but i've finally come up with my 9 goals (and some verses to go with them) for 2009!

those of you who hang with me often- i expect accountability:)

in no particular order...

1. patience -
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Eph 4:2

2. love-
Love one another deeply from the heart. 1 peter 1:22
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind...Love your neighbor as yourself...Matthew 22:37-40

3. gentle and quiet spirit-
...the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's
sight. 1 Peter 3:4

4. guard my tongue-
Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how
to answer everyone. Col 4:6
Be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger. James 1:9

5. encourager-
Encourage one another daily. Hebrews 3:13
Encourage one another and build each other up. 1 Thess 5:11

6. walk in daily obedience to God-
Whoever abides in me and I in him, will bear much fruit; apart from me you can
do nothing. John 15:5
Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be given unto you as
well. Matthew 6:33

7. teach weekly Bible verses to my kids

8. pray without ceasing-
Be joyful always, pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for
you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thess 5:16-18

9. by doing all these things and more- be a better wife, mommy, friend:)

here's to an amazing year!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

happy 2009

ummmm, can we say forced smile??!!!
these guys partied like rock stars at our friends, the sheets', house new years eve. that is until their parents tired out:)
honestly though, we were all nestled all snug in our beds by 11pm. and that makes me feel great this morning!
what are your resolutions this year? i am still working on mine...
wishing everyone a blessed 2009! make it the greatest ever!
oh- just trying on this new blog look on for size. not sure it's a keeper...