please read the sweet letter below from my sis-in-law and offer prayer support by clicking on her email near the end of the letter...
Hello Dear Friends and Family!
Last night my Dad and I sat outside on his front porch and I was privileged to hear his heart for a little while. As you all know, by now, he is “smack- dab” in the middle of a BIG CONGRESSIONAL RACE… so I asked him how he feels…how he thinks this will all turn out? For any of you that know my dad at all, you know that you don’t listen to him talk too long before his thoughts turn to Jesus, so his answer was, well, probably what you would expect! From the first night he came to our family and told us he wanted to run, he recognized then, and has not forgotten a most important truth: If it is NOT God’s WILL for him to be the Congressman of this district in 2008, he could toil endlessly and tirelessly to no avail. It would make no difference. And if is IS God’s WILL for him to win this election---there is no man’s word against him, or anything he could do otherwise to further this. He simply cannot lose! He only KNOWS that he is where God wants him, now…WIN or LOSE! So it is with that, that he rests peacefully at night.
If we go back a few years, I remember being a child and hearing my dad say, “Kids, some day I will run for Congress!!!” Honestly, on those days, riding in the back seat of a CHEVETTE down the country roads of Dickson County to our 1000 sq ft home…we didn’t know what in the world “Congress” even was, but if we had, we might have doubted the “eternal optimist”!!! But I remember that same phrase, off and on, through the years that followed. He never forgot, even if it seemed far off. I remember moving to Franklin, and him becoming active in local politics. I remember him starting TLC… and hearing the conversations that he and mom had at home about starting a new business and trying to raise FIVE kids… and then we might have doubted him again when he moved us into that double-wide trailor on the farm… J But he was always following God’s lead and positioning himself closer to that calling. He NEVER doubted that his calling was to shed the light of Jesus Christ into our darkening political scene in America. His message, as you’ve heard if you have attended any events, is focused around the moral issues that once bound our nation, rather than the political or social issues that are focused on now…and he has not ONE TIME doubted that he is exactly where God wants him to be now, running this race….so it is with that, that he works so hard during these days!
Logistically, the numbers are definitely THERE for him to win. The polling that they have done demonstrates that he can win! We are focused in this last month on getting his name to as many voters as we can, in that district, so we are organizing door-to-door events in various counties each weekend (and need your volunteer help, if you can!). The polls show that if his name is recognized, more people will vote for him than his opponent, Lincoln Davis. What we know best, however, is that God is in control...of the voters! As I spoke to him last night, he said that MORE THAN ANYTHING else right now, he needs prayer warriors. As he is nearing the end- with literally just a month left, he said he is starting to feel a little tired…lots of long nights, long drives, long speeches, lots of questions, and scrutiny that would wear anyone out! He needs people who believe like we do, that PRAYER matters, that our Lord sits enthroned in Heaven and loves to hear our prayers. He needs friends who are willing to go before God, in the hours he cannot, and pray for his endurance, his health, his spirit, his faith, his marriage, our family, this race, financial support (so that he can run some radio and t.v. spots…this is the BEST way to get his name out!)…and as he said so sweetly, “That I would just find favor with my Lord.” That is my dad’s heart…and there are no words to express how proud I am of him!!
So will you help us? I know at this point we have probably all given money and maybe even time towards this campaign… and there may not be much of either left for you…but now is the time for the REAL SUPPORT….PRAYER! There are basically 36 days left in this RACE…and we just want to know that there are committed people out there praying in the hours that we cannot pray, for our dad. I only have a limited number of email addresses here in my book, so I need you to send this to your friends, and your family members. Ask them to reply to me…and let’s get a chain going for LANKFORD FOR CONGRESS!!!
If you would respond to me and let me know you are willing to pray, I will put together a calendar so you know the day and hour we will be counting on you! This WILL make a difference! We must believe in the power of our prayers! I want to say thank you for all of your expressions of support for my dad. I know that so many of you are not really political, but you just can’t help but like the “Old Man” so you gave of yourself…and this has meant the world to our family. It was been amazing to see the your out-pouring of love! Thank you in advance for the difference you will make!
In closing:
“Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” (Matthew 18:19-20)
Dana Andrews
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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