Who doesn't remember field day as a kid? You played hard, got hot, got wet, and ran your little heart out. That was our day today. I woke up Barron early from his morning nap, trying not to miss too much of Briley's first ever field day. The boys and I unloaded at College Grove Elementary at 10am and ran to find Sissy Bear! She and her classmates were already soaked to the bone from a previous event and full of energy. We watched a few events then came to a super blow up slide...where Braxton got to participate! He was so pumped! I had told him in the car that this was Briley's day and we would watch and maybe get to do something and we would definitely not stay very long. Well, let's just say we made a day of it. Braxton got to do just about everything with Briley. I just love Mrs Poyner! We did the slide, a squirt bottle race, hurdles, 50 yd dash, parachute fun, and more. We got to eat lunch in Briley's classroom and cool off because -I'd have to say that it felt like summer out today. Boy, was it hot!
What did Barron do the entire time we were out in the fields you ask? He hung on his mommy's hip. What a trooper. He shared his smiles, took a catnap, and wondered why in the world all this commotion was going on around him. We had to take a quick break twice to get him fed. Yep, I'm telling you I stayed 4.5 hours. Over four hours watching field day with a little guy on my hip in the hot sun. Honestly, I loved every minute of it! This is what I remember as a kid - field day festivites! I must say though, several sweet mommies did step up and hold him for me occasionally.
Now, the favorite part of field day, the thing I waited on all day to get a quick pic of, was the super cool old fire truck and the fireman that sprayed water from his big hose on the kiddos. I was so excited to watch the kids do this. Well, you know where I was? I had drug the boys inside to feed Barron thinking I had a few events before this one. Nope, they skipped those and went straight to the fire truck. The boys and I emerged just as the fireman turned the hose off. All I got to see was dripping wet kids and a sad Braxton because we missed it. I can't believe it! Ok, yes I can:) Braxton did get to jump up in the truck though and pull the loud horn and drive. That did help make up for it.
As you can imagine as we approached 3pm the kids were dragging. Several classmates were in tears. Lots were hot and tired and the whining was beginning. I gathered my big 2 and my hip monster and made a run for it! Barron still had time to squeeze in a little nap. What a fun, fun day! One they won't forget for awhile. I know everyone will sleep well tonite! Hooray for field day!!
1 comment:
It looks like you guys had fun! They are so cute
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