A few memories... more to follow b/c I love Florida pics.
Oh what fun it has been at the beach so far! Way too many kids and not enough adults but, tons of crazy fun! Thank goodness we are all related because - we are truly a circus. No really, my crew has had so much fun. It is very hard with 3 kiddos on the beach but luckily I am blessed with a sis-in-law Aunt Dana that jumps right in and helps out in Joey's abscence.(By the way, Joey and the guys are doing wonderful in Nicaragua. They had some hitches in the trip but, all is well. Many lives are being touched! More info to follow when I know. I did get to talk with Joey several times which has been an awesome surprise. Thanks for the prayers uplifted!)
Briley and Braxton have swam their hearts out, made sandcastles, enjoyed the hot pool, tested out the not quite warm yet ocean, and been pretty good for their ole mom. Their have been occasional squabbles but, I am dealing.
Barron is loving all the excitement and activity. He has done so well napping and hanging out on his towel at the beach. He did get a bit upset today when Braxton decided he needed sand sprinkled all on his head. Oh well, we are still learning the rules of having a baby on the beach.
Now to our friends - Livi has busted out in her bikini and I will post a picture later b/c she is way too cute. Colby just lounges quietly. What a sweet boy. Cy loves hanging with his big cousins but sometimes his two yr old moments get the best of him. I'll post a group shot when we get brave enough to get them all out on the beach at the same time.
Here's to making more memories over the next few days...
1 comment:
Such a sweet family let everything goes well as same as now.
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