As I sat in Barron's nursery last night soaking him in while I nursed him to sleep - I glanced around his walls at his elephants. Some thought it a bit odd I painted a baby nursery a soft gray, but, when his incredibly talented Aunt Dana worked her magic on the elephants I requested, it all came together. It is one of my favorite rooms and it is still yet to be finished. Just like my entire home, there is always something more I want to add. But, I ask, where is the time or money to do so?
Back to talents- Dana has been blessed with such a gift and I, along with many others, have been after her to start her own business. But, once again I ask, where is the time or money to do so? I am always amazed by her creations ...from painted room motifs to framed scripture writings to handsewn onesies to homemade picture frames to canvas art... this girl's got talent!
So today, I post for Dana. She may kill me for bragging on her, but, I had to get the word out! You go girl! If anyone is interested in having some artwork done by her - shoot her an email @dandrews@tlcmedical.cc.Hopefully soon she can get her own website up and start her on super-fun business :)
1 comment:
That is GREAT work... very talented!
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