I got to spend some time with just my girl last week and I loved it! A shout out to Aunt Tiff's mom, Mrs Connie, for hosting the annual get ready for football t-shirt making party. This is our last football year, as Uncle Taylor ( #2) is a senior. I am not sure what this crew will do next fall. Football has been our big adventure since Joe and I got married 8 1/2 yrs ago and the kiddos have just jumped right in and had a blast. Anyways, Briley polka-dotted her #2 tee all by herself - after she had scarfed down a few chocolate chip cupcakes! My girl has her mommy's sweet tooth. She was so proud of her work and her nite out with the big girls. I am so blessed to have this incredible girl as my daughter.

Another adventure for Briley - passing out the winning ribbons in the "cow show" @ the fair. She had some help from an older girl, thank goodness, because it looked as if she could've easily caused a cow-tastrophe.

The entire crew had fun at the fair. I'm sure we'll hit it again this week so, I'll post about it later.
Sweet Briley has begun the countdown to 1st grade! This is our last week of summer vacation. And we are relishing every last minute!
Oh, and a cute little story...
Anyone with big kids knows it's hard to keep them quiet and paying attention in big church.
Well, Briley is stretched out in her Mimi's lap this am supposedly listening to the preaching. Brother Mike is getting hard core with his sermon about the roles of husbands and wives and about our society spending so much time on our outsides that we neglect the insides.
He says why worry so much about the outside anyway because ..."gravity wins!"
Everyone laughs loudly.
Briley raises up and in her normal loud voice says, "Is that funny?"
Those around us snicker.
"Shhh!" I say.
Once again - in a loud voice..."Mmooommm, What is gravity?"
"Shh! I'll tell you later. But, I am glad you were listening..."
And I used to wonder if she got anything out of the service?!
I love my girl!