Ok, I must confess... I am addicted to these legs. I love the fat feet and dimples in the knees. I love to rub them because they are so soft. I love that they tan so easily. I love the creases that are oh so white. I love that they can stand for several seconds unassisted. I love that they crawl and climb and cruise. I love that flexibility is not an issue, since the toes can still make it to the mouth. I just love everything...
I don't won't to forget these legs. And sadly, I know the memory will fade, just as it has with the bigger kids. But I know, every time I can get my hands on a set of baby legs, the memories will come rushing back!
What will I do when I must cover them this fall? Just another reason to hate the cold weather - you have to cover these precious baby legs and feet.
Yes, your child has the softest little legs I have ever felt! :) He wins the prize!!!
So glad you take close up shots of these sweet things, they change so fast....I love the little dimples on the backs of their hands, too.
Smart Mama to do that :)
See you next week at school with our big first grade girls!
thanks for this post. i'm taking pics of livi's extremities tomorrow morning first thing! you are so right...time fades these precious memories. your post reminded me to slow down & enjoy these moments. thanks.
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