Wednesday, January 19, 2011

1st day of school~SOUTH AFRICA

first day of school in 3 months
second time this year to start grades 1 and 3
first time to wear uniforms
first time to attend school in another country
first time to attend classes that were all boys or all girls

schooling it up south african style.
which means rules and more rules.
rules about clothing=uniforms
rules about boys hair= no surfer hair for brax anymore
rules about jewelry=which is hard on my bri
rules about shoes=new knock off crocs or get shoes at all is legal!

briley in her new grade 3 class...
she loved her teacher,
her class,
her first day.

brax in his new grade 1 class...
only a glimpse of anxiousness
and afterwards we got an "it was awesome"

i love their teachers (praise)
and the smiles (praise) from the kiddos
after their first day of school here in SA!

thanks to all who said sweet prayers for them today.


Anonymous said...

makes me smile to see them smiling.
love you all much
aunt sonya

Anonymous said...

Been trying to work out kinks to leave you a comment. This is a test. So happy that the kids are happy in school. I love the uniforms. I try to read all on the blog and keep up daily with everything going on in SA.


Dana said...

Bri- hey sunshine! oh how happy i was to see you guys in your uniforms and big smiles on your first day. I prayed for you from here. I wish I could have seen you with my very own eyes, but still thankful for these ole pictures I am starting to get used to. I know you were the brightest face in the room and I know you will make a big impact for Jesus there with your new friends! I miss you, sis... Brax- you look so grown up already! Stop growing without me there to watch! :) You look like you are so happy and it looks like there will be plenty of nice friends to make in your class, too...I like that boy's big smile next to you in the picture. I think I'd want to be his friend! :) I know that your smart head and big heart will be the best addition that school has ever seen. I love you, buddy.