Yesterday was a big day 'round here. My sweet Braxton turned 4. It was a hard one for me, 4 seems so not like a little guy anymore but, a big guy. My buddy who loves movies and tells his mommy "I love you" so often, and who gets more adventurous daily, and who adores his sissy bear and baby bear. And who has a heart full of compassion and tries his best to do what is right, and who can be just as content sitting back soaking it all in as being right in the middle of things is growing up. I love this guy more and more every day! Four is more independent, four is almost 5 and 5 is kindergarten. Sometimes I feel like the days are passing way too fast and I just want to stop them and stay right where we are. I just love being a mom and I love the stages the kids are in now and I want to enjoy every minute.
At a dinner at our church Monday nite the 2 speakers talked about the Trace Adkins song "You're Gonna Miss This". Have you listened to these words? "You're gonna miss this, you're gonna want this back, you're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast..." I am really wanting to soak in every moment these days and not wish them away. They were talking about when we say ...I can't wait until the baby sleeps thru the nite or is potty trained or goes to kindergarten or rides a bike, etc.etc. Just enjoy the moment. Live where you are! These days will be gone too soon. We only get one chance at this life -so my goal is to enjoy every single moment, make the best of them all, and try not to sweat the small stuff.
Now for Braxton, it was a super day he'd been counting down to for weeks. Oh how we celebrated...Briley sang him Happy Birthday first thing, I made him Mickey Mouse bday pancakes, we let him choose what we played, then we waited... until finally, it was party time!
I just love parties- I love how the kids' faces light up, I love to celebrate life! Braxton had a blast at his Superhero party! He loved every minute of it and I am grateful we were able to do it for him because -as you know parties these days can break the bank. Thanks Daddy for making all we do possible. We love you!
Braxton - I am proud of you and so glad God blessed me with you! I know God has incredible plans for your life and I promise to do all I can to mold you into the man God wants you to become. Mommy loves you!
Your cousins Cy and Colby had so much fun at your party. We love you and can't wait to celebrate many more birthdays with you sweet buddy!
Love lots Aunt Tiff
i thought about you all day yesterday on your big day! i LOVE the batman costume- you look just like the real batman! xoxo
when i opened the blog this morning and saw that big pic of brax with his pancakes i smiled from ear to ear. he just looks so grown up... i can't believe how big 4 is! xoxo
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