From the fullness of His Grace we have received one blessing after another. John 1:16
Monday, June 9, 2008
on the campaign trail
What a fun time we had on the campaign trail this weekend. We went to a place called Tarkington Store in Hickman County, TN. It's a store Papa used to take Joey and Nathan to when they were boys. The awesome thing about it is the creek that runs right behind it. It's a perfect creek for kids... just the right depth, ducks galore, tadpoles, and the not so good - a snake! The kids had a blast running up and down the creek chasing ducks and a tiny boat. We have a little creek behind our house but, not quite like this one. This creek is the kind a kid dreams about. We were so blessed to get to hang out with Joey's Grandpa Wayne while at the Tarkington Store. The kids love him so much. I wish we could visit with him more often. It's been more and more on my heart lately what a treasure our grandparents are to us (or in Briley's case great grandfather). They are so full of the wisdom we seek. Proverbs 16:31 says "Gray hair is a crown of splendor, it is attained by a righteous life". We can learn much from those who have been down this road before us. More wisdom could be found here with Joey's other set of grandparents -Grandmother and Grandfather are in the middle with Barron. We love to visit with them. They are two of the spunkiest people I know. They never forget a birthday or special occasion- you can count on a card in the mail to help celebrate. Briley is still waiting for us to take her out to their house and spend the nite. I'm not sure why we haven't done it yet- they live less than an hour away- it just never seems convenient. I've got to do better :)
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