God uses our children as Heavenly sandpaper to smooth off the rough edges around us. (From my Wisdom for Mothers bible study by Denise Glenn) I had never thought of my children this way, but I do know it is so true. God has used all 3 of my children to touch me in one way or another and make me a better person. Each child is a unique gift from God not only to me but FOR Him. Each child's life has been created for a Kingdom purpose. Wow! It is so cool to think that I was given to my parents for a reason that is a part of God's great big plan. And my kiddos were given to me for reasons that will bless God. We may not have front row seats in His plan but I am convinced we will make a difference for the Kingdom of God. Isn't it amazing how we affect those around us. Honestly, we can all be sandpaper to another in some way. Keep the faith! I have spent some fun time with my kids this weekend! What a blessing each one is to me. Some weekend highlights...
Uncle Nate provided us with $3 fun. Ballons you blow up, release, and try to catch in order to do it all over again. Yep, we started off in the downtown square after dinner but decided quickly it was much too dangerous and tempting as the ballons were drawn to traffic!
Still in the square - Joey posed the kiddos for a quick group shot. Briley, Braxton, Coleman, Cy, and Casen. The littlest guys Barron and Colby were stroller bound and unable to pose. Thanks to the Calmus' and Nate's crew for a super fun time. From here we did take our show on the road. Well... just down to the park to continue ballon chasing fun!
Another highlight - the concert at Carnton on Sunday nite. Uncle Gavin and Barron posed for a quick pic. We had no idea what we were getting in to. I never imagined so many attendees for an outdoor concert and picnic. Super fun! I recommend it to everyone. Next time I'll do better and pack us a really yummy picnic. The big kids had a blast playing with friends in a field off to the side. I, on the otherhand, constanlty worried because they were out of my site. But still...very fun times were had by all.
A busy week lies ahead...
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