here's what has happened in our neck of the woods (or the beach) this past week...
some with pics
some without
braxton lost his 2nd tooth and was visited by
not the tooth fairy BUT the tooth mouse.
i am not sure who, here in SA, told him there was a mouse not fairy in charge of teeth.
but no matter
because i am pretty sure he has started a new trend in our family.
as he went to bed the other nite
he placed his tooth
in a small block of cheese,
inside his shoe
and right under his bed.
where the next early morn he found crumbs and some rand (our money here).
quite cute folks. quite cute.
bristol has become terribly fro- licious.
in other news...after a trip to the mall in hopes of sitting in the lap of jolly ole saint nick
mom opted for a random pic in the mall to document the day
as the
man in the red suit was no where to be found.
i know he is here somewhere...just haven't found him yet.
pretty weird. decorations up, Christmas music in the background,
where is Santa?
(anyone around here know where we can score a pic with him??)
p.s. the buggy is ours and it is full of the bedding for our yet to be purchased beds
and the mall was fab and within an hour's drive
now for ministry work...
joey and his guys have finished the framework of the tunnels.
this week they are scheduled to stretch the plastic over the tops.
but also on the schedule
is crazy wind.
which has already arrivedin full force (pun intended) today.
and so
once again
i can say the word of the day is "flexibility"
hopefully they will get a calm, sunny day very soon to finish this task
in preparation for the upcoming hoilday break.
(update pics coming soon!)
on a praise note...we are in the month that we will make our final move...
the one into our permanent place here!
and Briley's best news of the week...
Bernard, our elf on the shelf,
has found his way to South Africa
and into our home
he was a bit late
but hey, it is a long trek from the North Pole to almost the south.
and very importantly,
(joey wouldn't let me leave out)
the crayfish
which we were blessed to dine on this very nite.
our soon- to- be new neighbor who just so happens to be a fisherman extraordinare
provided yumminess that to me was like eating lobster
and it was delectable!
after cooking but before cracking in to eat
after cracking open but before devouring
other task to complete this week (besides the tunnels)
order necessary furniture for our new place (mattresses, kit table)
start Christmas shopping (can't believe i haven't started this yet)
paint bristol's crib (which here is called a cot)
finish up car details so we can then mend minor probs on it
(1 being that the alarm blares (and that is a kind word) every time you open a door and 2 being the seat won't scoot up for me to reach the pedals, and 3 ...and a few,honestly we are just happy it gets us where we want to go and we aren't paying rent on one anymore!)
looking forward to an remarkable week of looking for God all around...